The Board Of Electrohomoeopathic System Of Medicine,

  • +91-98140-11989, +91-8427018388

About Us

The Board of Electrohomoeopathic System of Medicine Chandigarh is Constituted to make the provision for the promotion of education of new developing science of Electrohomoeopathic by way of opening Information Centres / Institutes / Colleges / free dispensaries / free camps for the scientific study of said science and to Qualify physician of by said system by way of conducting their examinations , based on the basic Medical standard of the medical education prevailing in India and maintain registration/ enrolment, register and Electrohomoeopathic physicians.

An Act for the registration of Library, Scientific and Charitable Societies whereas it is expedient the provision should be made for the improving the legal condition of societies Established for the promotion of literature , science, or the fine arts or the diffusion of useful Knowledge (the diffusion of political education ) or for Charitable Purposes.


Many others brought Electrohomoeopathic system to India during British period and it started to make it footing in the Indian soil. Unfortunately there was no support from Govt. to this branch of medicine and also few eminent persons took interest in this system. One of the physicians of Electohomoeopathy who was the pioneer (Founder) in the establishment and popularisation of this system was the Dr. N.L. Sinha. He contributed a lot to this system but again there was a gap and nobody turned up to make this system popular and elevate it at the level of other systems. Though Electrohomoeopathic Boards were opened after India became free and colleges started functioning, but the matter was never brought to that stage when Govt. of India would have recognised this system. The arrival of a young man who was a physician of Electrohomoeopathy, rejuvenated this system and brought a new awareness about this medicine to the public everywhere. As soon as the Board was established it was considered that for propagation of principles of Dr. Count Ceaser Mattie.

It was essential that D.E.M.S & B.E.M.S. institutes should be started which shall be affiliated to this Board and candidates who passed out from these institutions would spread the message of Dr. Count Ceaser Mattie to the remote places of India.

Presently ‘The Board of Electrohomoeopathic System of Medicine, Chandigarh’ is arranging to facilitate opening of D.E.M.S. & B.E.M.S. institutions/ colleges by starting. The Board has also arranged from year 1991 to encourage institutions to hold seminars where the articles about this system and the latest advance made so far or experienced by the physicians of Electrohomoeopathy are discussed so that other may be benefited. Another thing the Board has arranged is providing the service camps in rural and urban areas around the D.E.M.S & B.E.M.S. institutions where free Harbal Electrohomoeopathic medicines are available for distribution to patients who attend those service camps.

Electrohomoeopathy As In The Eye Of Law

As its already known that Electrohomoeopathy is according to the law of the country and has been working since 1920. Students and other organisations have made efforts for its recognition. Recourse was also taken to strike; hunger strike and agitation by the student and it also become a subject for discussion in the Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha regarding its recognition. A bill was introduced for Recognition and the Govt. of India constituted a committee of Experts for enquiry regarding its constitutionality and to submit its report.

The committee of the learned Experts found the principles and the medicines used as satisfactory. The report submitted to the Govt. was considered as a valid case for its Recognition. The policy of the Government was not very responsive and the issue of Recognition got late. Electrohomoeopathic Board filed a writ before the Honourable Allahabad High Court, after careful hearing gave its verdict in favour of Electrohomoeopathy. The honourable justice Mr. M.L. Bhatt and Mr. A. Singh have issued instruction to the Indian Government for necessary action.

Writ Petition No: 23572/2009, Dated: 22-01-2015 on Honourable supreme court of India Order of Honourable Supreme Court of India :

Learned Counsel for the Petitioners submit that in view of the counter affidavit filled by the Union of India, to the effect that there is no ban on the Medical Practice of Electrohomoeopathy, the Practitioners do not wish to press the present special Leave Petition. it is also submitted that circular dated: 05th May, 2010 is also on similar lines. Therefore, they have instructions no to press these petitions. The Special Leave Petitions are dismissed as not pressed.

Message From Secretary

Dr. Bhupinder Singh Bains Secretary

The Board of Electrohomeopathic system of Medicine, Chandigarh ,Education in the largest sense is any act or experience that has a formative effect on the mind, character or physical ability of an individual. In its technical sense, education is the process by which society deliberately transmits its accumulated knowledge, skills, and values from one generation to another.

The Board of Electrohomoeopathic System of Medicine, Chandigarh has been established to quench the thirst of developing excellent human resource to contribute meaningfully to the nation.

The rapid rate of technological advancement and the information revolution have opened new series of challenges as well as opportunities. We aim to prepare a skilled work force comparable to the best in the world through implementation of cutting edge technology in teaching-learning sequences.

At The Board of Electrohomoeopathic System of Medicine, Chandigarh , we inculcate human values and professional ethics in our students enabling them in making decisions and creating new dimensions in social interest. We strive to provide education in the field of Various Fields of Education & Technology within a pleasant and intellectually stimulating environment along with exposure of latest and advanced techniques supplemented with tremendous performance of our faculty.

I am delighted to note that this will carry the message from The Board of Electrohomeopathic System of Medicine, Chandigarh to you have an opportunity to appraise yourself with the up-to-date infrastructure and advantages being offered by us which in turn will give me immense pleasure of inviting you to this platform.


Achievements /collaboration/ Camps

We are working in the field of Electrohomeopathy since 1991 and has organized many camps to spread knowledge about Electromoeopathy and is benefits to the mankind.


To achieve Excellence in Education & To make education as a tool for social change for the betterment of the society. There is a compelling need to launch a world-class skill development programme in a mission mode that will address the challaenge of imparting the skills required by a growing economy. Both the structure and the leadership of the mission must be such that the programme can be scaled up quickly to cover the whole country.


To spread education globally in the field of New 5th Medical Science, Medicine, Paramedical Management and Basic Science using existing resources and Technology. Enhance, support and coordinate private sector initiatives for skill development through appripriate Public-Private Partnership models, strive for significant operation and financial involvment from the private sector.

Mission Transforming illness to wellness

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