The Board Of Electrohomoeopathic System Of Medicine,

  • +91-98140-11989, +91-8427018388

The Board Of Electrohomoeopathic System Of Medicine, Chandigarh

An Autonomous body constituted under Act XXI of 1860 of Govt. of India for the promotion & development


Electrohomoeopathy is the new Fifth Medical Science” and is totally different from Allopathy, Ayurveda, Unani and Homeopathy. Its pharmacopoeia is also different. Its medicines are obtained from vegetable kingdom and prepared from distilled water.

PRINCIPLE OF ELECTROHOMOEOPATHY “Complexa – Complexes – Curranter”


Lymph & Blood. The disease develops when any vitiation occurs in the body humors. The credit of this harmless system of treatment goes in favour of Dr. Count Ceaser Mattie-Its founder.

The Electrohomoeopathy is a harmless, Unique, Natural and scientific system of medicine. This system of medicine is quite different from Homeopathy. Dr. Count Ceaser Mattei Invented this system of medicine based on the principal of complexa-complexis-curranter. Which in other words tantamount (Similar) to assertion that our complex body requires complex that our medicines to cure the diseases. ‘Contrasts by contrasts’ (Similar) in corroborating (Supporting) the principal of ‘Similia Similibus’ forms the backbone and basic concept of the use of the remedies.

In this system of medicine, complex remedies are selected on the basis of Law of Similarity and applications on these remedies are according to the Law of polarity. In accordance with the theory propounded by Dr. Mattei, all disease owns their origin to vitiation of blood and lymph in the human organism.

The Electrohomoeopathy remedies are prepared by a specific process called the “SPAGIRIC WAY”, which was introduced by Dr. Thell Narastjs Von Hohenhe in (Paracelsus) & Dr. M.Von Holmont in which the living energies of the plant remain in the essences so obtained. These remedies have maximum curative capacity to regulate the lymph & blood and also to keep them purified.

"“Life and health are in the blood and the lymph, that disease is in the vitiation of the blood or the lymph or of both together”.

Mission Transforming illness to wellness

Aims :
• Main aim of Organization is to educate the illiterate persons of Rural and slum Areas. Provide Primary Health Care education.
• Provide Professional Education.
• To organize camps, re-orientation programmes , conferences, seminars on new medical science etc.
• To collaborate with international, national and bilateral agencies concerned with research, education and training in medical sciences.
• To educate in Alternative System of medicine, Naturopathy, Yoga, Electrohomoeopathy etc.
• To participate in MCH and Immunization project and other Health promotion and disease prevention project.
• To organize and implement projects like, Control of HIV, Drug De-Addiction, Family Planning (lowering of birth rate).
• Increase the knowledge of student, employed, semi employed & unemployed regarding all types of education through distant Education and regular Mode.


To achieve Excellence in Education & To make education as a tool for social change for the betterment of the society.


To spread education globally in the field of New 5th Medical Science, Medicine, Paramedical Management and Basic Science using existing resources and Technology.


India will required 1,72,000 Hospitals, Primary Health Centres etc. for health care of the people by 2000 A.D. to fulfill the Alma- Ata Declaration.


Training program to Enhance already Existing skills in Holistic Medicine, Enhance, support and coordinate private sector initiatives for skill development through appripriate Public-Private..


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